I have just read the famously controversial book by Amy Chua called, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. The author and tiger mother is from a strict, Chinese immigrant background, [ … ]
Disorders in babies
A couple of weeks ago, at the monthly meeting of the Western Cape Association for Infant Mental Health, we were fortunate enough to host Prof Chris Milton, a paediatrician who [ … ]
Delinquent behavior in children and teenagers
What do you do when your child or your teenager breaks the law? How should you react when your child is caught stealing, shoplifting, using drugs or engaging in other [ … ]
Can children learn two languages at the same time?
When two parents speak different languages – for example, one parent is French and the other is English – it can be confusing to decide which language to use when [ … ]
Keeping teenagers safe
Teenagers are terrifying! Your levels of anxiety as a parent of a teenagers can be high, partly because they want and need to do things without you and partly because [ … ]
Mistakes parents make
Making mistakes is the price you pay for knowledge Anonymous Knowledge about babies and children comes less from parenting books and much more from personal experience. As parents, we [ … ]
Co sleeping with a baby
Parents often ask whether it’s a good or a bad thing to sleep with their new babies. Some of the more hard core believers of strict sleep training argue that [ … ]
Effects of childhood stress, trauma and mental illness
Someone sent me a link to a fascinating article on medscape news today. It’s about the link between stress and trauma during childhood (including childhood-onset mental disorders) and physical illness [ … ]
How to get kids to eat
Because of the possible health implications, it can be scary when your child refuses to eat. A poor appetite may be an indication of an underlying illness so if your [ … ]
Support for adoptive parents
This life can be very hard when we try to walk its path alone. The same goes for parenthood and also for the adoption process. Adoption is not without its [ … ]